But also in the anime, in the filler episode with Gohan's birthday Chi Chi says Gohan turned 11 in the RoSaT. However, the anime narrators says only a year passes between Freeza's defeat on Namek and his attack on Earth, putting Gohan closer to 9 (physically 10) for the Cell Games. Manga-wise, when Raditz shows up Gohan is 4, then it's 1 year to Vegeta (technically 11 months), about 2 months to Freeza's defeat, 1 year and 260 days to Trunks showing up, then 3 years to the androids, putting him at, well, roughly 10 or so again, and 11 factoring in the RoSaT. So going by that it's been 10 years since his birth, but he's physically 11 due to his time in the Room of Spirit and Time. His official birth year is Age 757 (sometime in May, according to Daizenshuu 7) while the Cell Games are May 26th, Age 767. When you were in that Room of Spirit and Time place, Gohan-chan turned 11 years old!" To note, this dialoge only takes place in the Japanese dub and not in the actual English version of the anime.Ĭhi-Chi: "But even so, listen. The following scene happens at 01:19 to 01:26. In episode 171 of the Dragon Ball Z anime, Chi-Chi speaks to Gohan and Goku about the time that Gohan spent in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. The Hidden Strength!! When Gohan Was a Baby This would have to make Gohan at least nine years old.įor reference, here is Chi-Chi stating that Gohan just turned eleven: Episode We know that there is a seven year gap between the Boo era and the Cell Games events. Then we come to some mistakes in the manga (and in the anime) where in the Boo arc it is stated that Gohan is sixteen by the narrator. There has also been a moment in filler where Chi-Chi says that Gohan is eleven years old in the Room of Spirit and Time. The narrator in the anime had said that it was years after Freeza's defeat, which would imply that Gohan is about nine or ten years old when the Cell Games happen. The anime had done some screws up about Gohan's age. Adding this up would make Gohan around the age of ten but physically he would be eleven years old. After that is three years when the Artificial Humans arrive. After Freeza's defeat, it is 625 days to Trunks showing up. Then it is about two or so months to Freeza's defeat. Eleven months have passed and then we see Vegeta appear in the series. If we analyze the manga, when Raditz shows up it would make Gohan about four years old. This would make Gohan physically eleven, but real age would be ten years old. They are only in the Room of Spirit and Time for one year, which is the equivalent of one day meaning that both Gohan and Goku had to exit the Room of Spirit and Time on May 17th, Age 767. Both Gohan and Goku enter the Room of Spirit and Time (Hyperbolic Time Chamber) May 16th, Age 767. Partnersĭaizenshuu 7 states that Gohan was born in Age 757, around early May. We reserve the right to remove submissions at our discretion. When creating a topic to discuss new spoilers, put a warning in the title, and keep the title itself spoiler free. Spoilers for the upcoming film or the latest chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga must be tagged outside of dedicated discussion threads. If you post a video with a strobe effect you must include a seizure warning in the title of your post. You may submit Fanart once a week (7 days). For OC, link all references used in the comments. (Video must be animation or AMV.) Link to the source in the comments. For the rest of the week, see r/DBZCU.įanart & Cosplay posts should credit the artist in the title or be marked OC. Submitted content should be directly related to Dragon Ball, and not require a title to make it relevant.įigures can be submitted during Merch Mondays. If you want to promote or advertise something, ask us first. New submissions are reviewed before approval and may not show up immediately. If you have questions about a rule, you can view them in more detail here. DBS Manga Chapter 79 (Previous Chapters) | Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (22 April 2022) News | 🎉 Click to hide fanart, cosplay & merch posts! - Our FAQ - Jan.